Last year Tamblyn, 35, accused Woods, 70, of hitting on her and a friend when she was only 16.
Amber Tamblyn is trolling James Woods after Twitter locked the conservative actor out of his account for posting a hoax meme.
The actress has had her issues with Woods in the past. In September 2017, Tamblyn, 35, accused Woods, 70, of hitting on her and a friend when she was only 16.
On Sunday, after Woods had been locked out of his Twitter account for a number of days, Tamblyn responded to Kathy Griffin tweeting about the news: "Twitter tombstone pitch: 'Here lies James Woods: Meh.'"
Twitter tombstone pitch: “Here lies James Woods: Meh.”
@ambertamblynWoods told the Associated Press he received an email from Twitter Thursday stating he was banned from his account as a result of posting a hoax meme that had "the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election."
The meme, which Woods joked was created by democrats, shows three men smiling alongside the text, "We're making a Woman's Vote Worth more by staying home." It also included the hashtags #LetWomenDecide and #NoMenMidterm. In his adjoining tweet, Woods wrote, "Pretty scary there is a distinct possibility this could be real. Not likely, but in this day and age of absolute liberal insanity, it is at least possible..."
This is the tweet @RealJamesWoods was locked for.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the “Streisand Effect” kicked in and it was retweeted 10,000 times?
Retweet at your peril. @jack is watching... 👀#FREEJAMESWOODS
@MilleritaWoods told the publication in an interview Sunday that he refuses to delete the meme or follow the regulations of the social media app.
"Free speech is free speech -- it's not Jack Dorsey's version of free speech," Woods said, referring to Twitter Chief Executive Jack Dorsey.
"The irony is, Twitter accused me of affecting the political process, when in fact, their banning of me is the truly egregious interference," he added. "Because now, having your voice smothered is much more disturbing than having your vocal cords slit. If you want to kill my free speech, man up and slit my throat with a knife, don't smother me with a pillow."
Woods' girlfriend Sara Miller posted his statement to her Twitter account, where he was able to express "his feelings" about the lockout. (Read the full statement in the tweet below.)
For those asking, Jimmy sent out this email to his friends today. He hasn't made any press statements, this expresses his feelings on the matter. #FreeJamesWoods @RealJamesWoods
@MilleritaBack in 2017, Tamblyn recalled her past encounter with Woods after the actor poked fun at Armie Hammer's 2017 gay romance film "Call Me By Your Name," where a 24-year-old grad student (Hammer's character) falls in love with his professor's 17-year-old son (played by Timothee Chalamet). Hammer clapped back, saying "Didn't you date a 19 year old when you were 60.......?"
The "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" star then accused Woods of sexual harassment. "James Woods tried to pick me and my friend up at a restaurant once," she tweeted at the time. "He wanted to take us to Vegas. 'I'm 16' I said. 'Even better' he said."
Woods denied Tamblyn's allegations. In response, Tamblyn tweeted a screenshot of a text conversation between her and the friend she claims was with her when the alleged incident took place.
The first is illegal. The second is a lie.
@RealJamesWoodsSince I know people love to question the intengrity and honesty of women when they come forward with stories like this, here you go.
@ambertamblynTeen Vogue published an open letter written by Tamblyn to Woods during their argument last year. See the full letter below.
Dear Mr. Woods,
What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. It is called a gift. It is called a humbling. It is called Jesus, I come to thee. It is called an awakening. It is called a growth edge. It is called hope.
The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before.
Since you've now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.
My friend Billy and I were at the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard seeing a band we loved. We decided to go to Mel's diner on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood to get burgers after. I had just gotten my driver's license and very specifically remember my nervousness trying to park in the diner parking lot. Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. "It's such a great place, have you ever been?" You tried to make it sound innocent. This is something predatory men like to do, I've noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. "It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together." I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, "Even better. We'll have so much fun, I promise."
Here's the thing, Mr. Woods. At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn't know me from Adam. I'm sure you've racked your brain trying to remember how you could've possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago. You think, it's not possible, there's no way I would've been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn't known then, James. I was just a girl. And I'm going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you've done this to because you can get away with it.
The saddest part of this story doesn't even concern me but concerns the universal woman's story. The nation's harmful narrative of disbelieving women first, above all else. Asking them to first corroborate or first give proof or first make sure we're not misremembering or first consider the consequences of speaking out or first let men give their side or first just let your sanity come last.
So it is with hope, Mr. Woods, that I ask you to go inward now and ask yourself the hard stuff. The ominous unconscious stuff. The archetypal masculinity stuff. The power-play stuff. The perversion persuasion stuff. The secretive stuff. The id's most cherished stuff.
Only you and your darkness know who you are. Only you and your actions know what you've done. That means you and only you have the power to change your behavior.
Are you and your history with women and girls a part of the problem, Mr. Woods?
Go now and look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is true. Go on, I'll wait. But I won't hold my breath.
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